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Map Update
BendikB03 Owner
5 posts
3 topics
Minecraft: BendikB03
Discord: bendikb03
14 days ago


Hello everyone. I have a happy announcement that I am excited to share with you all.

I have been working on a live map for the server, and I think it looks pretty cool!

In the same time, I have fixed a couple of bugs including some on the anti-xray, website related stuff, group syncs etc.


On the map page, you can see live players, it will also update the map if you build/destroy something so it totally live.

It works on all of the worlds. The main one, nether and the end. 3D and flat options for all of the worlds.

Let me know what you think down below, and thanks for reading.









PantherYTac Regular
5 posts
4 topics
Minecraft: PantherYTac
Discord: pantherytac_official
13 days ago

It looks cool!